Jo Alexander
Research and Engagement Manager, ShareAction

Jo Alexander is a Geologist with 11 years of experience in oil exploration at BP, where she led assessments of petroleum potential across the globe, from Azerbaijan to Australia to the Atlantic Ocean. Her concern for climate change was part of the reason why she left her role. In order to redirect her career and rediscover her sense of purpose, she recently completed a leadership development programme with On Purpose, where she became interested in the impact of capital markets on an organisation’s ability to operate to a purpose that serves society. She recently joined ShareAction and will engage with Institutional Investors about climate change and undertake research relevant to the energy transition. Jo has a 1st class master’s degree in Earth Science from Oxford University and is Chartered through the Geological Society of London.
Professor of Geosystem Science, Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography and the Environment and Department of Physics, University of Oxford, and Co-Director, Oxford Martin Net Zero Carbon Investment

Myles Allen’s research focuses on how human and natural influences on climate contribute to observed climate change and extreme weather events. He founded the and experiments,
using volunteer computing for weather and climate research. In 2009, he co-authored two papers quantifying the cumulative impact of carbon dioxide emissions on global temperatures and has been working on the implications of reframing climate change as a carbon stock problem ever since. He has served on
Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the Third, Fourth and Fifth Assessment Reports, and on the Core Writing Team of the Synthesis Report in 2014. He was awarded the Appleton Medal from the Institute of Physics in 2010.
van Asselt
Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute,
Oxford Centre, and Professor of Climate Law and Policy, University of Eastern

Harro van Asselt co-leads the SEI Initiative on Fossil Fuels and Climate Change. His research focuses on various aspects of international and European climate change law and policy, including the review of implementation and compliance, the use of market-based mechanisms, climate-trade policy interactions, reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+), and non-state actors. Before joining SEI, he was a Marie Curie fellow at the Environmental Change Institute of the University of Oxford (2010–2011), and a researcher at the Institute for Environmental Studies at the VU University Amsterdam (2002–2010). He has published numerous book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed academic journals, and is author of
The Fragmentation of Global Climate Governance (Edward Elgar, 2014), and
co-editor of
Climate Change Policy in the European Union (Cambridge University Press, 2010). He is Editor of the journal
Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), and Associate Editor of the
Carbon & Climate Law Review (CCLR). He holds a PhD (cum laude) from the VU University Amsterdam.
Aaron Atteridge
Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute

Aaron leads SEI's work on global finance and sustainable development, and also focuses on energy transitions. He has previously worked as a senior policy advisor on energy and climate change in Australia, with small-scale off-grid renewables projects in Thailand, as a climate adaptation adviser in the Pacific islands, with mining and land rehabilitation in Canada, and in various environmental consulting roles in Australia and the UK.
Guri Bang
Research Director, CICERO - Center for International Climate Research, Oslo

Guri Bang's research interests focus on energy and climate policy in a comparative perspective; the political drivers and barriers involved in low-carbon energy transitions; the international climate negotiations, and U.S. climate and energy politics in particular. She is involved in the Norwegian Center for Strategic Challenges in International Climate Policy (CICEP), where she is leading the research on driving forces and long-term climate and energy policy trajectories for domestic policy development in seven key actors in the international climate negotiations: the United States, the European Union, China, India, Brazil, Japan, and Russia.
Chris Bataille
Associate Researcher, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations, and Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

Chris has been involved in energy and climate policy analysis for 22 years as a researcher, energy systems and economic modeller, analyst, writer, project manager, and executive. He is currently an Associate Researcher at the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations ( in Paris, is an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, and conducts freelance energy and climate policy consulting. He recently completed a 1.5 year project as lead editor of a
special issue of Climate Policy on the
Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project (DDPP). He also helped manage the global DDPP and was co-author of the Canadian chapter. He is currently lead of the DDPP Heavy Industry Deep Decarbonization Project, on which he, with several DDPP authors and others, recently published a
review paper in the
Journal of Cleaner Production. Chris will be a Lead Author of the Industry Chapter for the next IPCC Working Group III Assessment Report (AR6). He is also an Adjunct Professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Please see Google Scholar or Researchgate for a full research CV.
Nico Bauer
Research Group Leader, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
Nico Bauer prepared his PhD-thesis guided by Ottmar Edenhofer. He returned to PIK in May 2007 after working at Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei (FEEM), Italy, in the Climate Change Modelling and Policy programme and Paul-Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland, in the Energy Economics Modelling (EEM) group. He is engaged in the development of modelling tools for research domain III.
Nico Bauer is responsible for the research group on Energy Resources and Technology and the group on Growth and Development (with Marian Leimbach). Both are part of the integrated assessment cluster in RD3. He is engaged in a number of scientific projects and contributes to policy relevant reports. He guides PhD students with major responsibility. He is currently co-leading the EMF-33 study on bioenergy, land-use and climate change mitigation.
Deputy Director, Stand

Tzeporah Berman has been designing environmental campaigns and working on environmental policy in Canada and beyond for over 20 years. She is an Adjunct Professor of York University Faculty of Environmental Studies and works as a strategic advisor to a number of First Nations, environmental organizations and philanthropic foundations on climate and energy issues. She was recently appointed as Co-Chair of the Alberta Government Oilsands Advisory Working Group. She is the former co-director of Greenpeace International’s
Global Climate and Energy Program and Co-founder of ForestEthics. Last year she was appointed to the British Columbia Government Climate Leadership Team. Her work has contributed to the protection of over 40 million hectares of old-growth forests. She also helped to design Greenpeace International’s Arctic campaign, among several others. She is the author of
This Crazy Time: Living
Our Environmental Challenge (Knopf, 2011).
Isabel Blanco
Lead Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Isabel Blanco is the Senior Sustainable Energy and Environment Economist of the Sector Economics and Policy Group of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Isabel has got over 15 years’ rich experience in sustainable energy and climate change, mainly dealing with policy dialogue and regulatory analysis. Prior to joining the EBRD, she managed the department of regulation at a large international renewable energy company and taught macroeconomics and development economics for 14 years at the Spanish University of Alcala (Madrid).
Research Associate, Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs)

Siân Bradley is a Research Associate in the Energy, Environment and Resources (EER) Department at Chatham House, where she works on sustainability issues and low-carbon transition with an emphasis on energy and extractives. Her research includes climate-related risks and green growth strategies in resource-driven economies, and China’s international engagement around energy, resources and low-carbon development. She also plays a key role in development of the Chatham House Resource Trade Database. Prior to joining Chatham House, she worked as an analyst for a risk consultancy, where she advised international organizations and companies on environmental, social and governance factors, and developed risk indices and mapping tools. She holds an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics (LSE).
Hanna Brauers
Research Associate, University of Technology Berlin, and Guest Researcher, DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research)

Hanna Brauers is a research associate and PhD student at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin), where she is part of the junior research group ‘CoalExit’. Ms. Brauers is an industrial engineer with a focus on energy and resource management. She has worked for the German Institute for Economic Research as a student research assistant from 2014 until 2017 and is now a guest researcher there. She has previously conducted research on natural gas and international climate negotiations, publishing articles on European coal and gas markets and historical energy transitions. Her PhD research analyses post-carbon energy transformations, focusing on coal and natural gas phase-outs, a combination of economics and political science approaches with modelling exercises to enable the inclusion of stakeholders interests, power and inequality, as well as technological constraints. As part of her work at TU Berlin and DIW Berlin she is involved in various projects for the federal German Environmental Ministry and Agency on issues of structuring the German coal phase-out, supporting work for the German coal phase-out commission and research on historical transitions in coal regions.
Researcher, Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town

Jesse Burton is a researcher at the Energy Research Centre at the University of Cape Town, where she also teaches on energy and climate change policy. Her research interests are focused on the South African coal and electricity sectors. Some of her recent work has examined stranded assets and the political and economic dynamics of the electricity sector in South Africa.
Maria Camila Bustos
Research at Dejustica, and JD Student at Yale Law School

Maria Camila Bustos graduated Magna Cum Laude from Brown University with honors in Environmental Studies and International Relations. Her thesis focused on the international politics of climate change, looking at Colombia as a case study to explore climate politics in the Global South and the UN climate negotiations. During university, Camila was also lead researcher at Nivela, a new Global South think-tank focused on challenging conventional debates around development, politics, and environment. Afterwards, she worked as a researcher at Colombian-based NGO Dejusticia, where she focused on issues regarding business and human rights, climate induced displacement, and the human rights movement. She is currently a J.D. candidate at Yale Law School.
Tara Caetano
Senior Professional officer: Climate Change, Energy & Resilience, ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - Africa

Tara Caetano holds a M.Sc. Engineering in Energy Studies, from the University of Cape Town. Her expertise lies in the economics of energy and climate change mitigation, including long-term emission development strategies, energy transitions, development economics, and the circular economy. Tara is part of the Climate Change, Energy and Resilience work stream at ICLEI Africa. Previous work experience includes being a Senior Researcher at the Energy Research Centre (ERC), University of Cape Town, and at the German Institute of Global Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg, Germany.
Andrea Carolina Cardoso Diaz
Professor, Universidad del Magdalena

Andrea Cardoso Diaz is an ecological economist from the Business and Economics Faculty of the University of Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia. She holds a European Joint Master’s degree in Water and Coastal Management from University of Plymouth, UK and the University of Cadiz. She received her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in environmental studies from the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Her research is focused on the political ecology of global coal and climate justice.
Angela Carter
Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo

Angela V. Carter, assistant professor of political science at the University of Waterloo, has researched environmental policy regimes surrounding oil extraction in Canada’s primary oil producing provinces (Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Saskatchewan). Recent publications focus on government policy approaches and social movement opposition to fracking and on variation in provincial oil sector emissions policy. Her current research centres on two projects, “Mapping the Power of the Carbon-Extractive Corporate Resource Sector” via the
Corporate Mapping Project, and a new project analyzing central political factors contributing to “keep it in the ground” legislation in advanced oil producing states.
Daniele Codato
Post-doc Researcher, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padova

Daniele Codato, Natural Scientist and Ph.D. in Geography for the University of Padua (Italy), is currently post-doc researcher for the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering and collaborator of the professional master in GIScience and UAV for the integrated management of the territory and the natural resources. He worked for years and still collaborates in projects in Ecuador and Peru, especially in Amazon areas. His research topics are socio-cultural and biological diversity, ecosystem services and their relationships with anthropic activities, investigated with the use of GIS and PGIS.
Chief Economist, The Australia Institute

Richard Denniss is the Chief Economist and former Executive Director of The Australia Institute. Dr. Denniss is a prominent Australian economist, author and public policy commentator, and a former Adjunct Associate Professor in the Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University. He is a columnist with the Australian Financial Review and the author of 6 books including Econobabble: how to decide political spin and economic nonsense and Curing Affluenza: how to buy less stuff and save the world.(Black Inc. Redback, 2016).
Joanna Depledge
Editor, Climate Policy Journal

Joanna Depledge is Editor of the Climate Policy Journal. Previously she was an Affiliated Lecturer at the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge. Between 2003 and 2009, she was Sutasoma Research Fellow at Lucy Cavendish College. Joanna teaches and supervises on climate change for several courses at Cambridge, including on the Mphil in Fundamentals of International Environmental Law (Land Economy), and the MSt in International Relations (POLIS/Institute for Continuing Education). Joanna is Managing Editor of the Climate Policy Journal (CPJ). She is also a regular contributor to the journal Environmental Policy and Law, on the climate change, ozone and International Whaling Commission (IWC) negotiations. Joanna is a former staff member of the UN Climate Change Secretariat (1996-1998) and, up until 2002, she continued to work for the Secretariat as a consultant, providing support to the negotiations and preparing public information products. She has also worked as a writer for the Earth Negotiations Bulletin, reporting on climate change, ozone and biodiversity meetings.Her main research interest lies in international climate change politics, and the international climate change negotiations. She also works on global negotiation processes more generally, notably on the ozone depletion and international whaling regimes.She holds a PhD from University College London, an MSc (with distinction) in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a BSc (first class) in Geography from Cambridge University.A full list of Joanna’s publications can be found on the University of Cambridge website.
Michael Dobson
PhD Student, Global Politics, The New School for Social Research

Michael Dobson is a PhD student in Global Politics at the New School for Social Research. He has worked previously as a lawyer, and as a legal adviser on climate change at Independent Diplomat in 2015-2016. He is a current member of the SENS-UAW Bargaining Committee #faircontractnow. Follow @michaeldobsonNZ
Ida Dokk Smith
PhD Fellow, University of Oslo

Ida Dokk Smith is a PhD Fellow at the Department of Political Science at University of Oslo and affiliated with the research center Strategic Challenges in International Climate and Energy Policy (CICEP). Her PhD project is concerned with the rise and fall of energy production subsidies in the United States. Particularly the political economy problems that arise with emerging renewable energy subsidy schemes and removal of fossil fuel subsidies. She has a Masters of International Affairs from Columbia University New York, and is a Fulbright Scholar Alumni. She completed a Bachelor of Economics at the University of Bergen. In between her studies, she worked for three years as a management consultant at PWC Oslo.
Florian Egli
PhD Candidate, ETH Zurich

Florian Egli joined the Energy Politics Group in April 2017 as a PhD candidate. As part of the EU Horizon2020 project Innopaths, he is investigating investment decisions into new technologies and renewable energy with a particular focus on financing conditions and de-risking. Florian holds a Master’s degree in International Economics from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Bern. Since the start of his studies, he is a scholar of the Swiss Study Foundation for academic excellence.
Senior Scientist, Stockholm Environment Institute, U.S. Center

Peter Erickson is a senior scientist at the Stockholm Environment Institute, where he leads the climate policy program of SEI's U.S. Center. His research on oil markets and carbon lock-in has been published in Nature Climate Change, Nature Energy, Environmental Research Letters, and Climatic Change. Peter's work on supply-side climate policy in the U.S. has been cited by policymakers at the U.S. Department of Interior, the U.S. State Department, and the State of California. At COP 23 in Bonn in 2017 he presented new research, conducted with SEI colleagues, on how parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) could begin addressing fossil fuel production as part of the Convention.
Taran Fæhn
Head of Research, Statistics Norway, Research Department

Fæhn has her expertise in the economics of energy and climate policies, technological innovation and industrial and growth policies. She is part of the leader team of The Research Department of Statistics Norway, heading Division for Energy and Environmental Economics. Fæhn is also in the leader team of the Centre for Research on Environmentally Friendly Energy, CREE, heading the research area “Towards the low-emissions society”.
She has an applied policy approach and extensively uses computable general equilibrium (CGE) models, including global, national, dynamic and endogenous growth models. Her current projects address impacts of climate and technology policy on the economy, energy use and emissions, with focus on the interaction between different policy objectives and instruments and on the transformation to a less petroleum-dependent, emission-intensive economy.
Among other relevant experience is her appointments by the Ministry of Finance as member of the officially committee assessing policies for increasing private R&D performance (1999-2000), vice-member of the Advisory Council for Economic Modelling (2001), part of the governmental working group for evaluation of climate policies towards 2020 under the Ministry of the Environment (2008-2010) and member of the planning committee for the Large-scale Programme on Climate of the Research Council of Norway (2013).
Anne Fougner Helseth
Environmental Law Advisor, The Bellona Foundation

Anne is an environmental law advisor with The Bellona Foundation, where she works to tackle fossil fuel production subsidies through litigation. Petroleum taxation is amongst her focus areas. She holds an LLM in maritime law from the University of Oslo, and wrote her master thesis on the inclusion of shipping in the EU emissions trading system. She has previously worked as a journalist, as a trainee at the United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe and in Amnesty International Norway.
Benjamin Franta
JD-PhD student, Stanford University

Benjamin Franta is a JD-PhD Candidate at Stanford University working with Robert Proctor on the history of climate politics and science. Benjamin investigates the relationship between fossil fuel producers and global warming over time, including their knowledge, actions, and communications. His work has applications in climate litigation ongoing in the US and elsewhere. He has a PhD in applied physics from Harvard University and is a former research fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government. He also has an MSc in archaeological science from the University of Oxford. He helped to lead the internationally recognized fossil fuel divestment campaign at Harvard University and with co-plaintiffs filed the world's first fossil fuel divestment litigation. Recently, his investigative piece revealing the US petroleum industry's knowledge of global warming in the 1950s became one of the top five articles of all time in The Guardian's "97%" climate section. His work has been cited on the floor of the US Senate and published in
The Guardian, Project Syndicate, The Nation, Law & Policy, Journal of Applied Physics, International Materials Reviews, Belfer Center Reports, and other outlets.
Director of Science and Policy and Chief Climate Scientist, Union of Concerned

Peter Frumhoff is director of science and policy at UCS and chief scientist of the UCS climate campaign. A global change ecologist, he has published and lectured widely on topics including climate change impacts, climate science and policy, tropical forest conservation and management, and biological diversity. He was a Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report and the 2000 IPCC Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry, and served as chair of the 2007 Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment. He serves on the Advisory Committee on Climate Change and Natural Resource Science at the U.S. Department of the Interior, the board of directors of the American Wind Wildlife Institute, the steering committee for the Center for Science and Democracy at UCS, and the Board of Editors of Sustainability Transitions. He is an associate of the Harvard University Center for the Environment. He has a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of California, Davis.
Vibhuti Garg
Associate and Senior Energy Specialist, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Vibhuti Garg is an Associate & Senior Energy Specialist at IISD. Her recent work includes promoting sustainable development through influencing policy intervention on energy pricing, subsidy reforms and deployment of clean energy. She has advised private and public sector clients on commercial and market entry strategies, investment diligence on power projects, and the impact of power sector performance on state finances. She also works on international energy governance, presenting at national and international forums on energy transition, energy access, reallocation of fossil fuel subsidy expenditure to clean energy, political economy approach for energy pricing and tariff reforms etc. Her publications span opinion editorials, media articles, policy briefs and peer-reviewed publications. In addition to India, she has worked in Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam and in the Caucasus.
Ipek Gençsü
Senior Research Officer, Overseas Development Institute

Ipek Gençsü is a Senior Research Officer in the Climate and Energy Programme at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Her research focuses on delivering climate and development outcomes simultaneously. Ipek has worked on a range of topics including: energy and fossil fuel subsidies, sustainable infrastructure and finance, aviation and maritime transport, and land use (forests and agriculture). Ipek has managed and conducted research for the Annual Reports of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and its flagship project: New Climate Economy. She has worked on projects on a number of developing countries, including Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Turkey, as well as the G20 and the EU. Ipek past experience includes climate change, migration and gender justice research and advocacy at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) in London, the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) in Paris, and at Oxfam International in New York. She has also campaigned for Oxfam in the US and UK on climate and food justice. Ipek has an MSc in Political Theory and a BSc in Philosophy and Economics, both from the London School of Economics.
Ivetta Gerasimchuk
Lead, Sustainable Energy Supplies, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Ivetta leads the research and policy implementation support related to sustainable energy supplies at the Energy Program of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), including its Global Subsidies Initiative. She is in charge of projects focusing on government policies with respect to energy taxation and pricing in Brazil, Canada, China, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa and Ukraine. Ivetta brings 17 years of experience working on economic and political strategies for implementing challenging energy reforms in government, academic, journalistic and NGO roles. She also works on international energy governance, including commitments and peer reviews of fossil fuel subsidies within G20 and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Her publications span opinion editorials, media articles, monographs and peer-reviewed academic publications. Ivetta holds a BA degree in International Relations, a MA degree in International Business and Business Administration and a PhD in Economics from the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO). Ivetta is based with the IISD office in Geneva.
Andrew Grant
Senior Analyst, Carbon Tracker

Andrew joined Carbon Tracker in 2014 as a Senior Analyst, leading research on oil & gas and coal mining. He has authored a number of Carbon Tracker’s major reports on these sectors, including the Carbon Supply Cost Curves series, scenario analysis of the oil refining industry, and exploring transition risk at the company level. Prior to joining Carbon Tracker, Andrew formerly worked at Barclays Natural Resources Investments, a private equity department of Barclays that committed capital across a range of commodities and related industries. Andrew has a degree in Chemistry & Law from Bristol University.
Bill Hare
CEO and Senior Scientist, Climate Analytics

Bill Hare is a Climate Scientist with thirty years’ experience in the science, impacts and policy responses to climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion. He is a founder and CEO of Climate Analytics, a non-profit research and policy organization based in Berlin (with branches in Lome, Togo and New York, USA and now Perth, Western Australia) established in 2008 to synthesize and advance scientific knowledge in the area of climate change and provide state-of-the-art solutions to global and national climate change policy challenges. He is Adjunct Professor at the Murdoch University, School of Engineering, Perth Western Australia, and a Visiting Scientist in the Earth System Analysis - Research Domain I at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts Research since 2002.
Bill Hare has contributed to the development of the international climate regime since 1989, including the negotiation of the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement in 2015 and supporting scientific assessment processes, including the IPCC, in different capacities to the present time. He was a Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Mr Hare’s research has assisted in bridging research on environmental problems into policy solutions.
Kathryn Harrison
Professor of Political Science, University of British Columbia

Kathryn Harrison is Senior Associate Dean of Arts, Faculty and Equity, and a Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia. She served as Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts in 2016-2017. She has degrees in Chemical Engineering and Political Science from Western University, MIT, and UBC. Before entering academia, Harrison worked as a chemical engineer in the oil industry, and as a policy analyst for both Environment Canada and the United States Congress. She is the author or editor of several volumes, including Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change, and has published widely on Canadian and US climate and environmental policy. She is a frequent media commentator on Canadian climate policy, and a volunteer Director of Voters Taking Action on Climate Change.
Noel Healy
Associate Professor, Salem State University

Noel Healy is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Salem State University (SSU). His research, teaching, and community engagement focus on responses to the climate crisis and normative dimensions of rapid climate change mitigation. More specifically, his research explores issues pertaining to the politics of rapid decarbonization, social and political aspects of renewable energy transitions, energy justice, just transitions, and the link between academic knowledge, political activism and policymaking. His projects have secured over $170,000 in research grants and have spanned Ireland, the US, China, France and Latin America. Recent projects include investigating the fossil fuel divestment movement, energy transitions in Massachusetts, energy justice in La Guajira Colombia, and decision-making and civil society participation at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). He held a Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich Rachael Carson Fellowship (2017-2018), and a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Faculty Scholarship in 2017. Noel was inducted into the Salem State University Civic Engagement Hall of Fame in 2018.
Director and Co-Founder, Climate Accountability Institute

Rick leads Climate Accountability Institute's disruptive "Carbon Majors" project tracing operational and product-use emissions to the world's primary producers of carbon fuels. Rick has authored & co-authored papers on legacy emissions by oil, gas, and coal companies, emissions from fossil fuel reserves, and temperature and sea level rise attributable to carbon producers (UCS & Oxford). CAI's work supports litigation against fossil fuel companies. Rick and colleagues have been subpoenaed by the House Science Committee and ExxonMobil. Rick published his thesis A Geography of Carbon (NCAR 1984), researched energy and climate at Rocky Mountain Institute (1984-2001), and established Climate Mitigation Services (2001) to inventory entity and activity emissions on scales from g to Gt.
Jayni Hein
Policy Director, Institute for Policy Integrity, and Adjunct Professor of Law, NYU School of Law

Jayni Foley Hein is the Policy Director at the Institute for Policy Integrity at NYU School of Law, where she serves as an Adjunct Professor of Law and teaches Natural Resources Law & Policy. She has authored numerous reports and academic articles on natural resources and climate change topics. From 2011 to 2014, she served as Executive Director of UC Berkeley School of Law’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment. Previously, she served as an attorney at Latham & Watkins LLP in San Francisco, where her practice focused on environmental and regulatory law. She has testified before U.S. Congress on federal mineral leasing, and before the California legislature on environmental and transportation regulation. Her writing and commentary has appeared in diverse media outlets including The Los Angeles Times, National Geographic, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post. She earned her J.D., Order of the Coif, from UC Berkeley School of Law, and her B.A., with highest distinction, from the University of Virginia.
Franziska Holz
Senior Researcher, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)

Franziska Holz is Senior Researcher at the German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin, where she is responsible for the research on resource and environmental markets. Her research interest are in the markets for coal, oil, and natural gas, in particular their future developments in interaction with climate policy. She focuses on the development and application of numerical models to analyze these markets. Franziska graduated with a Master degree in economics from Paris 1 University Panthéon-Sorbonne and a PhD in economics from TU Berlin. She has been at DIW Berlin since 2004, with research or teaching stints at the Hertie School of Governance, NTNU Trondheim, Stanford University, Virginia Tech and the University of Maryland.
Chase Huntley
Senior Director, Energy & Climate Program, The Wilderness Society

As Energy & Climate Program Director at The Wilderness Society, Chase works with staff in the public policy and public lands departments to develop and evaluate policy options for sustainably managing energy production on the nation's public lands in the face of global warming. He is responsible for researching, analyzing and maintaining updated information on renewable energy development and attempts to promote dirty fuels derived from fossil resources such as oil shale. Chase comes to The Wilderness Society with significant policy analysis experience, including more than six years’ service at the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress, evaluating the stewardship of public resources and the implementation of natural resource law and regulation. He represented GAO at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. In addition, he served for a year on detail to the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy and Resources where his oversight work focused on energy security issues. Previously, Chase spent time in the office of the Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment dealing with a variety of issues. Chase holds two Masters Degrees from the University of Michigan with a focus on resource policy and ecosystem management, and a BA from Claremont McKenna College in Government and Philosophy.