Conference Co-Chairs
Michael Lazarus, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), U.S. Center
Harro van Asselt, Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford Centre, and University of Eastern Finland
Conference Steering Group
Guri Bang, Centre for International Climate and Environmental Research -- Oslo (CICERO)
Tzeporah Berman, York University
Andrzej Blachowicz, Climate Strategies
Jesse Burton, Energy Research Centre, University of Cape Town
Ben Caldecott, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford
Paul Ekins, University College London (UCL)
Ivetta Gerasimchuk, International Institute for Sustainable Development
Frank Jotzo, Australian National University (ANU)
Roberto Schaeffer, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (COPPE/UFRJ)
Shelagh Whitley, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)