As the international community pushes forward with discussions about how to hold warming below 2° C, the study of policy instruments available to achieve climate emissions reductions is expanding to more fully consider supply-side policies. And for good reason. The wisdom of a carbon budget has been long recognized. There is a limit to the amount of fossil fuels that can be developed if the world is to remain within acceptable warming thresholds. Recent research has made it clear that restricting fossil energy development will have an additive impact on carbon emissions reductions. But how to do it?

This panel will feature different perspectives on theory and practice of implementing aspects of a supply side approach. Building on practical experience at the highest levels of government, in the courtroom, and advocating in the public interest, the panel will explore issues and opportunities for implementing supply side solutions at the national and subnational level in the United States. What could a fossil fuel supply tax look like and how would it function? How would fossil fuel leasing or production quotas be designed for federally-managed energy resources? How can the courts require accurate consideration of climate impacts for new fossil energy leases? Can a state ban development or importation of fossil energy? What would a lease-level carbon test look like as a yardstick for ensuring new leases stay within a carbon budget? This panel of multidisciplinary academics and practitioners will explore leading approaches that governors or a new presidential administration could apply immediately to ensure that the national assets managed for the American people are truly being put to their best use.